- 08/03 Saturday | 7:00 PM
Event Details
Few artists embody boundless creativity quite like Lindsey Stirling. Not only a multi-award-winning musician known for her genre-bending virtuosity on electronic violin, she’s endlessly dazzled audiences with her extraordinary talents as a dancer—an element she brings to the stage as part of her spectacular live show, touring with a stunning frequency and continually selling out iconic venues all around the world. Her groundbreaking vision has gained her millions of adoring fans worldwide, four Billboard chart-topping albums, and two Billboard Music Awards including Top Dance/Electronic Album for her third studio release, Brave Enough. Her holiday album, Warmer in Winter, catapulted to the #1 spot on Billboard, Amazon and iTunes Holiday Album charts upon release and lead single “Carol of the Bells” made history as the only instrumental song ever to reach the Top 10 at AC Radio. Also a New York Times bestselling author (and creator of her own comic book), the platinum-selling star felt compelled to push her boundaries even further for her seventh full-length effort, ultimately embracing a whole new level of freedom in her songwriting. A visionary meditation on inner wisdom, personal strength, and the ever-shifting nature of identity, Duality arrives as Stirling’s most sonically daring and emotionally complex album date. Lindsey has amassed over 27M million subscribers, nearly 3.5 billion views and 13.9M subscribers on YouTube, 4.8M million followers and 105M likes on Tik Tok, and over 500k user generated creations across Tik Tok and Instagram reels.